The weeks prior to Family Retreat, I was busy organizing and scheduling the women's small groups. Then came the actual retreat, what an incredible time. Now that we are back home, I am cooking several pots of soup and spaghetti for Kevin, cleaning the house and doing laundry before repacking Lance and I so we can leave early Friday morning.
We are driving down to Charlotte and Charleston to visit my daughters and sisters for a couple of weeks!! I can't wait, I haven't seen most of them since Christmas.
I am still basking in the glow of the retreat. Lance and his buddy for the week had a wonderful time. Charlotte is a woman in her mid 70's, boy is she a powerhouse! She was just perfect for our son. His best friend for years was his grandmother, he has missed her terribly since she passed away. Well, when we first found out that Lance's STM was an older woman, we were a little skeptical to say the least. Were we ever wrong, she is fun and funny, full of life and Lance had a hard time keeping up with her, just like his Nena (grandmother). We all fell in love with her. She kept him in line and took care of him too. They went to the Young Adult services in the morning and did many fun things in the afternoon. They went boating and walking along the beach. They went to eat pizza and rode very fast go carts. They played games and did crafts, went to the Western night and line danced (well Lance didn't dance too much, he was looking at the girls). They ate every meal together, as well as, ice cream and cotton candy. She was truly an answer to prayer.

I am hoping to post several stories over the next few days.
Praise God for Charlotte! I want to be like her! She has a beautiful, sweet face and certainly does not look to be in her mid seventies. I am so glad that God blessed you and Lance with such a good companion.
What a blessing tohave such a great companion for Lance! It sounds like he enjoyed it, and you were able to enjoy the conference as well! We have an awesome God!
What a blessing! I hope I'm like Charlotte when I'm 70! I'll look forward to reading more.
Have a great trip south! I'm going to visit my girls in SC in mid July. Can't wait.
Safe travels!
Ditto, re. Charlotte! Her verve and vision energize her, don't they? I'll be more active and aware today just thinking about Charlotte. Thanks for letting us know. And if/when you have opportunity, pass on to her the inspiration she is to me (and many others). May God bless every minute of your travel & time with your daughters & other relatives.
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