I am asking all my friends here in Blog World to join me in prayer. We need Short Term Missionaries to come along side these families. An STM is someone who will be a one on one with the person with a disability. It enables the family to relax knowing that their loved one is being taken care of and having fun without them. It also allows the person with a disability to feel like they are important and have fun without their family right with them the entire time. They feel like one of the group instead of the one who is different or even despised.
We currently have 60 STMs signed up and need 200. The times are hard, I know, the cost is $400.00. Also asking people to give up the one and only vacation they may get, only to spend the week working hard and not getting much free time, is asking a lot. But people are needed.
Please join me in praying that God will move on hearts and provide the means to make this happen. That He will open doors and make available people who want to be used.

I am praying right now and confident the workers will be provided. What a wonderful program. Dee
I'll be praying that God will bring just the right number of people with hearts for this ministry. Where will this take place?
I cannot come, but I bet I can scrape together $400 to sponsor someone. If you can use this, let me know.
Wow, you all are amazing, thanks. Joyce, this one will be held in Muskegon, MI right in the banks of Lake Michigan. Phil I am truly humbled.
Gina, My prayers are with you. I do not know if I can come up with $400.00 but I will try to contribute something. Where do we send it?
Oh Becky, you don't have to do that. You are do sweet. Phil is my brother and also a Pastor at a church in Denver. We try to help each other out whenever we can. I covet your prayers more than anything!!!
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