Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quiet Time

I have been in blogging slump.

I remember my very first post in which I said, "I have a lot to say, I have very little to say". That's where I'm at, I have very, very little to say right now. It's a good thing I don't make my living by the pen, or even public speaking...

My husband called yesterday and again today to see how things were going and he said both days "well I guess I will let you go, you don't have anything to say!" I wonder what it is that causes me to close down like this.

I am overwhelmed with several things that need to be done, commitments that I have to follow through on. I need a good push!!

Until then, I am going to take a little break. I may be back tomorrow or I may be gone for a while. In the meantime, I will be posting a few recipes at our family blog, that is because I love to cook and enjoy sharing recipes.

To all my bloggy friends, I will be visiting your blogs often and hopefully will be back soon.



Cindy said...

I can tell you are experiencing the winter doldrums so there is nothing wrong with stepping away from things that aren't working right now. Spring will be here soon so hang in there, friend!

Brig and Gina said...

Am I a bloggy friend? Sounds like a secret club...

Gina said...

You certainly are a bloggy friend. It's only special people that get to be a bloggy friend.