Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Some mornings are just hard... This morning is one of those mornings. I was up late last night...I watched the Red Wings game and then watched The Biggest Loser which I had DVRed. I know better, but my evenings get away from me sometimes. Add onto that, the busy, busy weekend that we had and the time change, well, need less to say, I am dragging.

I have a full day planned, a meeting with a special needs organization at a local church and grocery shopping. I then need to race home to straighten the house before Lance's speech therapists comes. After that I need to make dinner and help Kevin record and submit the love offering we received from the kick off and in between, I need to make a batch of cookies because the guys are out of them. (This is what I get for making everything from scratch) Do a couple of loads of laundry (again, that's what I get for never wanting the towels to sit longer than a day)...

The Word says in Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.

I am not "loaded down with burdens" at the moment (Thank God!!) but I am weary for sure, (Yes, I realize I am taking this a bit out of context, but there you go...) I will come unto Him, I will spend some time with Him this morning. He will give me rest.

Tonight I will go to bed early, well, earlier than normal, well, okay I do have to watch the elimination on American Idol and I do want to read a little since it has been a few weeks. I don't think the Wings are playing...but if they are, well, okay maybe I will try to sneak in a nap, well, that won't work...Hmmmmm...

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Last night I was flipping the channel between American Idol and The Biggest Loser. lol

I hope you get some rest. Surrender to the limitations of the day.