This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118; 24
I am rejoicing today even though it is raining, remembering that April showers bring May flowers.
I am rejoicing today because Lance and I are feeling better after a couple weeks of illness.
I am rejoicing today because I have a family that loves me.
I am rejoicing today even though it is raining, remembering that April showers bring May flowers.
I am rejoicing today because Lance and I are feeling better after a couple weeks of illness.
I am rejoicing today because I have a family that loves me.
I am rejoicing today because my Father is a good God
I am rejoicing today because I am blessed beyond words.
I am rejoicing today because God used me to bless a dear friend.
I will rejoice!
I have many reasons to rejoice as well. Thank you for the reminder to rejoice and be thankful for our blessings. Donna
I love your list of things to rejoice about. It makes such a difference to focus on what we have instead of what we don't have or might not have. Blessings to you, dear friend!
I will take all the reminders I can to rejoice! This week I've been leaning more towards the negative and exhausted, but I truly want to live with all of God's blessings and goodness to me in mind, and focus on rejoicing instead of complaining! Thanks for this reminder today!
One thing I am rejoicing over is that I bought a some pale pink carnations at Safeway on Wednesday for my desk at work and they really have cheered me up and they smell so good..a wonderful little investment for $5.00 this week!
I am so blessed....Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hope you will stop byagain soon.
I am going to have a "card box" giveaway every month. This drawing will be the last day of April. Every comment you leave throughout the month will enter your name in the drawing, so if you visit several times and leave several comments, you will have a better chance to win. This NEW blogger was so touched by all the comments I got on the Blog Party, that I decided to make this a monthly GIFT...
Also, if you link to my blog telling about the monthly giveaway, you will have your name entered 10 extra times...How is that for an incentive?
I was so blown away by all the responses that I wanted to email each person personally, but TIME... just has not permitted..but I did love reading all of them..I am continuing to introduce my family members and then there will be some fun blogs coming up from Disney World in May. I am so thankful for all my new friends.
Great post and I echo you on those!
(even down to blessing a good friend...isn't God good?!)
Ok...read your other post...I sooo have SAD...I think. I grew up in the sunny south and lived in very sunny Colorado before moving up here. Winter up here is awful! CO has 302 days of blue sky sunshine...up here, well, um...I've been told 74. sigh...but God is still good and Spring, up here, will come! (I'm gonna remind myself of this fact as the snow falls tomorrow!)
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